Phone | : | 714 725 8669 |
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Address | : | PO BOX 220, |
ATWOOD, CA 92811. | was created to improve the efficiency of arranging meal based conferences between medical office staff and pharmaceutical representatives. The usual practice for arranging these meal based conferences is fraught with inefficiency and can be filled with frustration. Pharmaceutical representatives need to make multiple trips to physician practices and liaise with staff to arrange a
single conference. And in turn, medical office staff needs to liaise with pharmaceutical representatives to manage scheduling issues such as no shows, double bookings and late cancellations. This usual practice utilizes staff’s and representatives’ time poorly. By moving this process to a cloud based system, we are able to make the whole process both easier and more efficient saving office staff and pharmaceutical representatives valuable time and money!
The team brings together people with a unique skill set and knowledge based necessary to make this platform run smoothly, efficiently and provide value added services unavailable in traditional scheduling methods.
Founding Team: